Episode 5. Transforming in Order to Serve with Brittany Gail Thomas

Brittany Gail Thomas is a lawyer mom determined to educate, enhance, and empower communities where racial and social injustice are ever-present.

From advocating for her clients as a public defender to teaching law students in trial advocacy, BGT has transformed her career many times over. One consistent theme throughout her career is how she shows up to serve others. She founded the non-profit, The Color of Excellence (COE) as a way to create a community for future and current attorneys of color.

COE provides educational programs to help lawyers of color hone their trial skills, creates mentorship opportunities, and provides a safe space to confront the challenges of the legal world where lawyers of color are disparately underrepresented.

Sign-Up to Become A Member of The Color of Excellence

Website: www.colorofexcellence.org/
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Twitter: @thecolorofexcellen
LinkedIn: The Color of Excellence

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Mom Life and Law is a podcast for lawyer moms who are expected to mother as if they have no job and lawyer as if they have no children. In the face of these expectations, I give you strategies to help you thrive. Take thirty minutes each week to learn how to reframe your mindset, own your power, and set yourself up for success. You deserve it.

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Episode 6. Discovering Your Authentic Talents with Vanessa Kuljis


Episode 4. Activating Your Strength to Fill a Need with Lori Mihalich-Levin