Episode 4. Activating Your Strength to Fill a Need with Lori Mihalich-Levin

Lori Mihalich-Levin is a lawyer, mom of two boys, author, and entrepreneur. Lori believes you don't have to choose between being a good mother and building your career. She lives by example.

Her company, Mindful Return helps parents develop strategies and tools to return to work and thrive after parental leave. Yes, even during COVID-19! She shares her story and how she struggled with the demands of motherhood and her legal career. She saw a need and decided to do something about it. She used her strength as an activator to launch her course, which has improved the lives hundreds of working parents.

Listeners of Mom Life and Law can get $25.00 off the Mindful Return Course with the code: MR25.

Follow Mindful Return
Facebook: @mindfulreturn
Instagram: @mindfulreturn
Twitter: @mindfulreturn
Connect with Lori on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorimihalichlevin/
You can find Lori's e-course on her website: https://www.mindfulreturn.com/e-course/
You can find Lori's book on Amazon: Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return From Maternity Leave
Get the Saturday Secrets Emails Here

Mom Life and Law is a podcast for lawyer moms who are expected to mother as if they have no job and lawyer as if they have no children. In the face of these expectations, I give you strategies to help you thrive. Take thirty minutes each week to learn how to reframe your mindset, own your power, and set yourself up for success. You deserve it.

Connect and Follow Mom Life and Law at:
Facebook: @momlifeandlaw
Instagram: @momlifeandlaw
Twitter: @momlifeandlaw
LinkedIn: Mom Life and Law 


Episode 5. Transforming in Order to Serve with Brittany Gail Thomas


Episode 3. Using Curiosity to Change Lives with Bunmi Emenanjo