58. Setting Priorities in Life & in Death with Randi Johnson

Randi Johnson is a former law firm owner, mother of two daughters, business strategist, and end of life and bereavement doula.

Before meeting Randi, I had never known you could seek support from an advocate at the end of your life in the same way you do while giving birth. Birth doulas are more commonly known, but there are professionals who train and serve people who are dying. Randi Johnson took an unconventional path away from the practice of law and law firm ownership to follow her passion to do this work. She chose fulfilling her true calling over the practice of law.

In this episode, we dive into a thought-provoking discussion about honoring what you feel called to do, making that a priority, and finding the courage to go for it. She talks about how she set priorities in her life, what drove her to start her work as a death doula, and why it making that choice was so important.

Connect with and follow Randi Johnson at:
Facebook: Randi Johnson | Facebook
LinkedIn: Randi L (Black) Johnson | LinkedIn

Learn more about death doulas and conscious dying care at: Conscious Dying Institute (referenced in the episode).

Mom Life and Law is a podcast for lawyer moms who are expected to mother as if they have no job and lawyer as if they have no children. In the face of these expectations, the interviews featured on this podcast give you strategies to help you thrive. We aren't afraid to talk about our trials and our triumphs. No matter the challenges you face, this podcast aims to show you what's possible. Each week, invest some time to reframe your mindset, own your power, and set yourself up for success. You deserve it.

Connect with and Follow Mom Life and Law at:
Facebook: @momlifeandlaw
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LinkedIn: Megan Whiteside | LinkedIn


57. Doing What Energizes You with Kori Carew