Episode 54. The Power of Changing Your Thoughts with Nicole Kuklok-Waldman

Nicole Kuklok-Waldman calls herself "The Lucky Lawyer” because she has found tools to face difficult choices with clarity to truly enjoy her life and career. Nicole spent many years working in BigLaw, before shifting focus to lobbying at her own firm in Los Angeles, CA.

After the birth of her first child, Nicole realized that mindset and thought work were powerful tools to find joy, even in difficult chapters of life.

In this episode, we talk about how powerful our thoughts truly are and what happens when we realize we have the power to change them.

You are doing yourself and everyone around you a disservice by living in misery. Tune in for some ideas on how to transform your life, starting today.

Connect with and follow Nicole Kuklok-Waldman at:
The Lucky Lawyer Course: https://www.luckylawyer.net/
LinkedIn: Nicole Kuklok-Waldman | LinkedIn

Mom Life and Law is a podcast for lawyer moms who are expected to mother as if they have no job and lawyer as if they have no children. In the face of these expectations, the interviews featured on this podcast give you strategies to help you thrive. We aren't afraid to talk about our trials and our triumphs. No matter the challenges you face, this podcast aims to show you what's possible. Each week, invest some time to reframe your mindset, own your power, and set yourself up for success. You deserve it.

Connect with and Follow Mom Life and Law at:
Facebook: @momlifeandlaw
Instagram: @momlifeandlaw
Twitter: @momlifeandlaw
LinkedIn: Mom Life and Law
LinkedIn: Megan Whiteside | LinkedIn


Episode 55. Setting Boundaries & Practicing Mindfulness with Jeena Cho


Episode 53. Building Influence & Connection with Nonverbal Communication with Kristin Bock