Episode 52. Prioritizing Health & Releasing Guilt with Megan O’Neill

It can be easy to say, "I don't have time," or "I can't," when it comes to prioritizing your health. While there may be many reasons why you believe you can't eat healthy or can't exercise, Megan O'Neill is here to encourage you to break that belief barrier.

Megan O'Neill is a litigator turned health and wellness coach, personal trainer, and nutrition specialist. In this episode, Megan shares techniques that she uses with her clients to help them get started and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We talk about setting realistic goals, ways to seek out accountability partners, and how to let go of the guilt. Guilt can be a huge barrier, whether it's guilt for choices you've made or guilt for taking time to prioritize yourself. Tune in to hear why letting go of the guilt, and prioritizing taking care of yourself, can actually help you achieve so much more than physical health.

Follow and Connect with Megan O'Neill:
BREAKING BELIEF BARRIERS (https://mlcfitness.com/)
Megan's Fitness Blog: https://mlcfitness.com/blog/
LinkedIn: Megan O'Neill, Esquire, CPT, Keynote Speaker | LinkedIn
Instagram: @mlcfitness1
Facebook: @mlcfitness1

Mom Life and Law is a podcast for lawyer moms who are expected to mother as if they have no job and lawyer as if they have no children. In the face of these expectations, the interviews featured on this podcast give you strategies to help you thrive. We aren't afraid to talk about our trials and our triumphs. No matter the challenges you face, this podcast aims to show you what's possible. Each week, invest some time to reframe your mindset, own your power, and set yourself up for success. You deserve it.

Connect with and Follow Mom Life and Law at:
Facebook: @momlifeandlaw
Instagram: @momlifeandlaw
Twitter: @momlifeandlaw
LinkedIn: Mom Life and Law
LinkedIn: Megan Whiteside | LinkedIn


Episode 53. Building Influence & Connection with Nonverbal Communication with Kristin Bock


Episode 51. Ditching Overwhelm with Time Management with Kelly Nolan